About Harvest TESOL
“Create a collaborative, reflective, and supportive environment where teachers acquire and apply TESOL skills and knowledge, becoming successful ESL teachers who facilitate learning in a positive, student-centered environment.”
When you sign up for our program, you are getting the best certified instructors and you will attend classes in one of our accredited campuses with state-of-the-art facilities.
You will learn:
- How to teach English as a second Language,
- Techniques to prepare and deliver classes,
- Context of teaching and learning,
- Teaching methodologies,
- Teaching Roles and styles,
- Language (input and output, phonology, terminology, morphology, syntax, pragmatics, and more,
- Teaching language skills – Reading, writing, listening, and speaking,
- Creating and delivering grammar lessons,
- Syllabus and lesson planning,
Assessing and testing students.
At the end of the program, you will be able to:
- Discuss various theories in TESOL,
- Demonstrate knowledge of primary phonological, lexical, and grammatical features of English,
- Articulate and apply a variety of teaching methods for the English language classroom,
- Develop and apply quality lesson plans and instructional materials that address learning outcomes,
- Articulate and apply strategies for establishing and maintaining learner engagement and participation.
*Qualifications, type of certification, and experience requirements varies from institution to institution.
The materials used in this program is 100% developed by the Harvest English Institute
Check our Brochure for more information.
International students on an F-1 status must be attending a full course of study at a SEVP-approved institution if they want to enroll in the TESOL certificate program. HEI students undergo an orientation about their immigration status when there are admitted into the IEP program. Non-HEI students receive immigration information at the orientations offered by their SEVP-approved institutions.
Once admitted into the program, all students (HEI and non-HEI) must abide by the rules and regulations found in the student handbook and are eligible for all the services provided by the HEI.
Check our pre-arrival and brochure for more information.
Additional requirements for International candidates:
ESL Students must have completed an Advanced ESL course and have proficiency of C1 according to the CEFR proficiency scale AND a written endorsement from a faculty member who taught the student.
Alternatively, the international candidate can present:
A valid TOEFL score of 80 or higher or an IELTS score of 7.5 or higher.
All Students must go through an orientation session with a Head Teacher to go over the curriculum, syllabus, assignments, practicum element, and other details about how demanding the course is. This session can be in person or via web conference.
* Our admissions policy is based on information provided by the TESOL International Association which clearly states that “no single degree, certificate, or license authorizes an individual to teach ESL/EFL in all fields or in all parts of the world. Job requirements are specific to the job and the employer and may vary a great deal from one job to another.”
Paid tuition is 100% refundable if course cancelation is requested in writing 7 days before the program start date. Request must be submitted by email to harvest@harvest.net.
There is no refund once the program starts.
100% attendance is required – If a class is missed, make-up classes are available on a paid-private basis to make up the missed material. This program does not allow for failing because it is only one level. If students fail, they can re-take the course in the future at a 50% reduced tuition rate.
Registration: $100 (non-refundable)
Tuition: $995
*Tuition can be made in weekly installments and discounts for full payment are available.
Upcoming Start Dates*
- October 1st, 2022
- January 14th, 2023
* Program is available in Newark, New Jersey and Orlando, Florida.
Holiday Calendar
- Nov 22-28, 2021 :: No class :: Thanksgiving Week
- Nov 25-28, 2021 :: Office Closed :: Thanksgiving
- Dec 23-31, 2021 :: Closed :: Winter Vacation
- February 17, 2022 :: Closed :: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Feb 21, 2022 :: Closed :: Presidents’ Day
- May 30, 2022 :: Closed :: Memorial Day
- Jul 5-Jul 10, 2022 :: Closed :: Summer Vacation
- Sep 05, 2022 :: Closed :: Labor Day
- Oct 10, 2022 :: No class :: Columbus Day
- Oct 20, 2022 :: No class :: International Festival
- Nov 21-27, 2022 :: No class :: Thanksgiving Week
- Nov 25-27, 2022 :: Office Closed :: Thanksgiving
- Dec 23-31, 2022 :: Closed :: Winter Vacation
- 10 points- 1 Response Paper analyzing a concept in the assigned readings
- 5 points- 1 Class Presentation about a teaching methodology or other assigned topic and handout
- 20 points- 2 Observation Reflections that connect practicum observations to assigned readings or class discussion (10 points each)
- 20 points- 2 Teaching Reflections that connect practicum teaching to assigned readings or class discussion (10 points each)
- 20 points- 2 Lesson Plans for classes taught in practicum (10 points each)
- 25 points- Final Observation
Failure to attend class or do practicum hours would mean students cannot complete some assessments (reflections, class presentation, final observation). Therefore, they will not be granted a certificate.
What does TESOL stand for?
TESOL Stands for “Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages.”
What is it?
It is a teaching training certification program that enables people who already speak English to teach English.
Are there other certifications I can get to teach English as a second language?
Yes. CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching Adults) and TEFL Teachers of English as a Foreign Language)
What is the difference?
Delta is focused on teaching adults and it is a lot more expensive.
TEFL follows the same line as TESOL. They are often offered as the same course.
TESOL is focused on teaching with the communicative approach.
Where is it valid?
In the USA and worldwide
Where can I teach it?
According to the TESOL International Association, English language teaching opportunities exist throughout the world. Opportunities vary depending on where you want to teach (public or private, geographical location), what level you want to teach (pre-K–12, adult, or postsecondary), your background and qualifications. Whether you are relatively new to the field or a seasoned professional, TESOL can help you bring a new level of professionalism to your career.
Can I teach it in public schools in the US?
No, to teach in public schools you must have a four-year degree in teaching a subject and go through State licensing.
Can I teach Online?
Yes, you can both in the US and abroad, both for a company or privately.
How much money can I make it?
It will depend on a couple of factors such as experience teaching (anything, it doesn’t have to be English, life experience, the country where you want to teach, recommendation letters, etc.
Salaries range from $300 to $400 to $6,000 USD per month, plus benefits such as airfare reimbursement, health insurance, and cost of living assistance. There are companies paying anywhere between $10 and $50 an hour for teachers online, teaching from their own home.
Can I work for the Harvest English Institute?
The HEI hires competent and certified teachers all the time. There are requirements that need to be met to apply. The candidate must have a BA in ESL, Applied Linguistics, or a BA and a TESOL Certificate.
Can anyone register? (qualifications)
The candidate must speak, read, and write English proficiently.
You must be at least 18 years of age, have concluded or currently be a senior in High School with a superior average GPA. Anyone with a BA in any area of expertise.
Is there an age limit?
Do I get a certificate at the end?
Yes, a certificate is issued when all of the course’s requirements are met. Including observations and practicum. This certificate will be able to be verified by future employers.
Can I take it online?
Teaching is a hands-on profession and even though there are courses online that offer the certification, they are mostly theoretical and with very little interaction.
What is the difference between taking TESOL in at the HEI and somewhere else?
The HEI is an awarded and accredited company that focus is entirely on teaching English. We teach TESOL both from an educational and experience view, providing future teachers with the immersion they need to familiarize themselves with the ESL world.
Can I take the TESOL program using my F-1 visa status?
Yes, you can as a supplement to your English Studies. It does not count towards your hours as an F-1 student. While taking the TESOL program, you must be enrolled in a full-time course of study either at the Harvest English Institute or another SEVP-authorized school.
What materials are used?
The student will receive a book, created and published by the Institute. This material is proprietary and was developed by a Professor with a Masters in TESOL, a Ph.D. In applied Linguistics and the CEO of the HEI. The student will also receive any other course materials, instructions, get a copy of the PDF files every day after the class ends, will receive a login in Inseconds where they will receive the rest of the material to complete assignments.
Is the Harvest TESOL Accredited?
It is currently authorized by CEA and should have a final accreditation decision by the end of 2020. Most TESOL programs in the US are not accredited.
How long is the course?
The entire program is 100 hours broken down into 80 hours of class instruction and 20 hours of practicum.
What is “practicum?”
During the course, a future teacher will have to observe and teach ESL classes. This is a requirement for graduation.
Where can I go for my practicum?
If you are a Harvest TESOL student, we will provide you practicum for free. You can also take the practicum at any recognized ESL center in the US or abroad. If you take it somewhere else, you must bring a letter from that institution on letterhead stating how many hours you observed and how many hours you taught. This is a requirement for graduation, and it is best to be done during the second half of the course, or after it has been completed. The HEI will provide you with a letter of participation including requirements for graduation which you can present to the other ESL school explaining why you are asking for the practicum.
What if I miss a class?
Because we don’t have two courses happening concurrently, we can’t offer a reposition. There are two options: 1. The student will pay a one to two hours of class privately that will be scheduled with the instructor on a day other than the class day. 2. The student has to wait until the next course takes place to replace that same session. Private classes are charged at $50 per hour.

The following countries are considered to have native English speakers: Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Canada, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica, New Zealand, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, and United States of America.
Although a few other countries have English as their official language, the truth is a little different. Countries. They are: Botswana, Cameroon, the Federated States of Micronesia, Fiji, Ghana, India, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Liberia, Malta, the Marshall Islands, Mauritius, Namibia, Nigeria, Pakistan, Palau, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Samoa, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Singapore, the Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Sudan, South Africa, South Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, United Kingdom, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe.
Where can you work?
Where can I work? Anywhere. Can I teach in the US if I don’t want to go abroad? Yes, you can with exception of public schools which use a different licensing process. You can teach at any accredited and non-accredited ESL school, online, or for companies. Opportunities vary depending on where you want to teach, your background and qualification. For instance, VIP Kid employs over 60,000 English teachers.
What is the pay like?
Pay and benefits very greatly from country to country.
The interesting fact is that, no matter where you choose to work, you will be paid above the general population and can live a very good life, save money, and travel on holidays. Many schools will offer an airfare reimbursement upon your arrival, medical insurance, and other benefits.
What are the countries with the highest demand?
Czech Republic
Hong Kong
Saudi Arabia
South Korea
United Arab Emirates
