National holidays are exciting events in any country! It can be even more exciting when you are in a new country and are experiencing the celebration for the first time!
It’s no exception here in the US! While you are studying at one of our Harvest English Institute campuses, you will get to celebrate the traditions and history of US holidays!
Not only is it fun to celebrate a national holiday in a different country, our English language teachers also believe that by taking part in local cultural celebrations, you will find a chance to practice your new English skills in social situations.
Here in the US, we celebrate the following holidays during the year:
New Year’s Day
If, in your home country you observe the Gregorian calendar, New Year’s Day is a holiday that you are probably familiar with.
2019 Date: Tuesday, January 1st
Public holiday? Yes
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Celebrated on the third Monday of January, this holiday honors Martin Luther King Jr. As the most famous civil rights activist in United States history, MLK Jr is known for his nonviolent rallies and speeches about freedom and equality for all people.
2019 Date: Monday, January 21st
Public holiday? Yes
Presidents’ Day
This holiday honors the birthday of George Washington- the first president of the United States. It is also an occasion to celebrate all previous presidents.
2019 Date: Monday, February 18th
Public holiday? Yes
Mother’s Day
A holiday to honor mothers, this holiday is celebrated around the world during different times of the year. In the US, it is celebrated on the second Sunday of May.
2019 Date: Sunday, May 12th
Public holiday? No

Memorial Day
Forming part of Memorial Day Weekend, this day is known as the unofficial start of summer. It is a holiday to remember those who have died in military service for the US.
2019 Date: Monday, May 27th
Public holiday? Yes
Father’s Day
Like Mother’s Day, this holiday is celebrated in many countries around the world at varying times. In the US, it is always on the third Sunday of June.
2019 Date: Sunday, June 16th
Public holiday? No
Independence Day
Often referred to as the Fourth of July, this federal holiday celebrates when America proclaimed its independence from England with the Declaration of Independence in 1776.
2019 Date: Thursday, July 4th
Public holiday? Yes
Labor Day
Labor Day pays tribute to working people around America and is a chance to say goodbye to the summer.
2019 Date: Monday, September 2nd
Public holiday? Yes
Columbus Day
This holiday commemorates the discovery of the Americas by Christopher Columbus.
2019 Date: Monday, October 14th
Public holiday? Yes – only in some states
Veterans Day
This day observes the end of World War I in 1918. It is a day to honor all military veterans in the US.
2019 Date: Monday, November 11th
Public holiday? Yes
A traditional holiday celebrated across the US, giving thanks for the autumn harvest, dating back to 1621 when the pilgrims gave thanks for their first harvest in Plymouth Rock.
2019 Date: Thursday, November 28th
Public holiday? Yes
Black Friday
Originating in the 1950s, Black Friday is the day after Thanksgiving and marks the start of the Christmas shopping period.
2019 Date: Friday, November 29th
Public holiday? Yes – only in some states
Christmas Day
Although Christmas is a holy day for Christians, many Christmas traditions have evolved beyond the religious origins and have a widely secular significance.
2019 Date: Wednesday, 25th December
Public holiday? Yes
Did you already know about these American holidays or are there a few that are new to you? We try to let all our students know about national holidays well in advance and our team is always here with information about local celebrations and practical advice about holidays.
Would you like to join us at the Harvest English Institute and enjoy the opportunity to experience US culture? Visit our website for more details or get in touch with us at 0833 609 4646 or email